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Re: Tame the mouse

Well, I installed this interaccel, but the auto profile does not work correctly for me. When I check the box for “auto profile switching”, interaccel immediately applies the profile before starting the game and the mouse slows down already in windows and you need to manually change the settings, …

Re: Tame the mouse

One could experiment with Raw Accel or potentially MarkC’s “Mouse Acceleration Fix” . As I understand it, these programs are not designed to adjust the sensitivity of the mouse, but to adjust its acceleration, when the faster you move the mouse, the more distance it travels on the screen. This is …

Re: Tame the mouse

One could experiment with Raw Accel or potentially MarkC’s “Mouse Acceleration Fix” . As I understand it, these programs are not designed to adjust the sensitivity of the mouse, but to adjust its acceleration, when the faster you move the mouse, the more distance it travels on the screen. This is …

Tame the mouse

Is it possible to add a mouse speed setting to dgVoodoo2? In some games, such as X-COM: Collector's Edition, the mouse cursor speed is too high without the possibility of adjustment in the game. This can be fixed in the windows control panel, but then you have to constantly restore the mouse speed …

Re: PCEM vs 86Box vs UniPCEM vs DosBox-X

in PC Emulation
I apologize for the noob question, but why do you need a recompiler to emulate old PCs on a modern processor with x86-64 architecture? Don't x86-64 processors have a native, backwards compatible instruction set? Probably some applications require particularly accurate emulation of older systems, …

Re: PCEM vs 86Box vs UniPCEM vs DosBox-X

in PC Emulation
There are certainly improvements that could be made to PCem's recompiler, but an x86 recompiler is a lot more complicated than an ARM one due to the complexity of the x86 ISA, and that a PC emulator needs to support real and protected modes, among other fun stuff. There are only a limited number of …

Lighting issues in Project I.G.I.: I'm Going In

Some objects in Project IGI are heavily shaded when using dgVoodoo2, which is not observed in real DirectX. I don’t know, maybe dgVoodoo2 renders more correctly, but in some scenes the game looks darker than in the original render Filename 2dgvoodoo2l.jpg File size 264.78 KiB Views 791 views …

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